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Varicose Veins
Thorough Assessment Ensures Correct Treatment
Varicose veins affect up to 30% of women and 20% of men. Family history and genetic predisposition is the main cause, with more women affected due to the female hormonal cycle and hydrostatic pressure in late pregnancy.
Ankle and calf ulcers may be caused by untreated varicose veins (known medically as ‘chronic venous insufficiency’). Laser treatment of the underlying venous problem allows even longstanding ulcers to heal speedily within weeks.
Following assessment of the vein problem at consultation with ultrasound examination and discussion of individual needs, the patient is booked for a procedure at their convenience.
Fast Treatment, Short Recovery, No Scars
Taking place under local anaesthetic as an outpatient procedure, Endolaser Vein System (ELVeS) treatment takes less than one hour. The patient returns to normal activity immediately, wearing a support stocking for 2 weeks but able to return to work / childcare / golf the same day – far shorter than conventional surgery, where patients often stay in hospital overnight and take 3 – 6 weeks off work!
Because it is carried out without general anaesthetic and with no cutting, it is also suitable for those unfit for surgery and there are no scars.
Fewer Complications than Surgery and Better Long Term Results
Laser ablation treatment avoids the need for surgical stripping of the affected veins and general anaesthetic. This substantially reduces the length of the procedure and recovery period. Recurrence of varicose veins following strip surgery is high (up to 20% at five years) and surgery carries the risk of nerve damage in up to 11% of cases. Laser treatment results show a rate of 98% success after five years with little or no risk of nerve damage or DVT.
Intervenional radiology has also been applied to the treatment of uterine fibroids. He has been instrumental in advancing the use of uterine artery embolization, a minimally invasive procedure that involves the injection of small particles into the blood vessels supplying the fibroid, cutting off its blood supply and causing it to shrink. This technique has proven to be an effective alternative to traditional surgical methods, such as hysterectomy or myomectomy, for many women suffering from fibroids.